With vast options of customization tools and high-fidelity assets the new Character Creator in EVE became widely recognized as the most advanced avatar creation system in the MMO market when we launched it in 2010. One of the things that made it unique was the ability to sculpt your avatar using grab & drag directly on the 3D model of your avatar.
Primary goals of the feature:
Players can create accurate and realistic versions of their virtual-self
All sculpting and manipulation can be applied directly to the avatar without the need of sliders
Players get a good understanding of the core characteristics of the races and their bloodlines
My role was to lead all Visual Design and UX for the complete system which included:
Race, Bloodline and Gender selection
Facial and body customization
Make-up, Clothing and Accessories modes
Portrait creation mode
I provided mockups and final assets for all the steps of the Character Creator, including:
Visual Target mockups
Producing all icons and logos
Produce final backgrounds and UI components
Design portrait backgrounds
Create multi-layered animated racial backgrounds for customization screen
To learn more about the Character Creator in EVE you can watch these in-client recordings for all 4 races: